identify a verbの例文
- The third person masculine singular past tense form serves as the " dictionary form " used to identify a verb, similar to the infinitive in English . ( Arabic has no infinitive . ) For example, the verb meaning'write'is often specified as " ", which actually means'he wrote '.
- To the latter stem, a combination of prefixes and suffixes are added . ( Very approximately, the prefixes specify the person and the suffixes indicate number and gender . ) The third person masculine singular past tense form serves as the " dictionary form " used to identify a verb like the infinitive in English . ( Arabic has no infinitive . ) For example, the verb meaning " write " is often specified as " kteb ", which actually means " he wrote ".
- To the former stem, suffixes are added to mark the verb for person, number and gender, while to the latter stem, a combination of prefixes and suffixes are added . ( Very approximately, the prefixes specify the person and the suffixes indicate number and gender . ) The third person masculine singular past tense form serves as the " dictionary form " used to identify a verb, similar to the infinitive in English . ( Arabic has no infinitive . ) For example, the verb meaning " write " is often specified as " k醫ab ", which actually means " he wrote ".